Posted by on Aug 10, 2015 in LEGAL UPDATES

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Guidance for EU nationals seeking to apply for residence in Italy from another EU State, and the implications for obtaining national health cover within the Italian territory 

The registration and changing of one’s residence for an EU citizen or group of EU citizens who come from another EU state to live in Italy falls under the umbrella office of the Italian registrar known as the Anagrafe, a department of the Comune (local authority).  The declaration of one’s change of residence must be made by the relevant party wishing to change residence or by any individual who is legally of age who forms part of the nuclear family that is as a whole is wishing to change its residence.

In the event that the change of residence is being sought by someone who is coming from abroad, such as an EU citizen coming from another EU state, the declaration of the change must be made within 90 days of moving to Italy. Pursuant to regulations contained in legislative decree 30/2007 (the law implementing in Italy the European Directive 38/2004/EC on freedom of movement), upon application, the ultimate change will not be concluded until the place of actual dwelling of the individual, or family, is ascertained by the Office of the Municipal police. If this criterion is met the change will have effect from the day the change of residence request is submitted.

The formalities of the change of residence for an individual that is coming from abroad include the presentation to the Anagrafe Registrar of the following documentation:

(1) A model form requesting the change of one’s residence

(2) a passport or equivalent photo ID document, and

(3) the codice fiscale of the applicant or applicants.

(4) In the event that they were issued in Italy, the driving licence and registration documents of any and all vehicles pertaining to the applicant or any individual within the family nucleus of applicants must be provided.

(5) in the event that the applicant or applicant family will be residing in a cohabited property, a declaration of cohabitation must be made to this effect.

Citizens from EU states that seek to apply for residence in Italy who are not working must also provide a declarative statement certifying that they have sufficient financial and economic means or funds. The minimum amount to be shown is revisable annually. As of 2012 the annual income a single applicant must show in the Comune di Roma was €5.577. An applicant accompanied by one family member must show €8.365. An applicant with two family members must show €11.154.

They must also show either that they have obtained sufficient health insurance to cover all eventual expenses and risks for foreign nationals, or otherwise, they must show a valid model health certificate (the European S1 certificate) which guarantees that they fall within the European Regulation on EU citizens’ health cover.

Once residing in Italy, in order to benefit from Italian national health services, EU citizens, if not in possession of a Tessera Europea di Assicurazione Malattia, must preemptively show an attested certificate to the competent medical service of the Italian territory. This body in Italy is ASL. The attested form is the European wide S1 certificate and is issued by the relevant medical authority of the applicant’s EU state. Upon successful receipt of the S1 certificate ASL will register the foreign EU citizen to the Nation Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) at which point the citizen will have a right to full health service under the same circumstances and conditions to which an Italian national is entitled.