Expat British citizens in Europe are campaigning to be granted the right to vote in the “Brexit” Referendum to decide the future of Britiain’s membership of the EU.
Currently, British expats who have been resident outside the UK for more than 15 years, are not entitled to vote in UK elections. The Conservative Party following this year’s election accepted that the 15 year rule would be repealed, following a Recommendation from the EU Commission and publicity given to this issue by Harry Shindler’s application to the European Court of Human Rights concerning the right to vote.

Harry Shindler and Charlotte Oliver at the European Commission
This will be tabled in Parliament by way of the “Votes for Life Bill”. However, it was then claimed by the new government that it would be too soon to do this before the Referendum was held to decide on membership of the EU, which could be as soon as 2016.
This means in effect that an estimated 5 million British citizens habitually resident overseas for more than 15 years, including approximately 1 million in the EU, will not as the law currently stands be entitled to vote in the Referendum, although the decision will certainly have a direct impact on them.
The Referendum Bill passed the Committee Stage on 2nd November – the full debate can be found at:
British expats are lobbying the House of Lords at the next key stage of debate to be held in the House of Lords on 18th November.
The Report Stage will take place in the House of Lords on 18th November. Baroness Miller (Lib Dem) will introduce an amendment to the Referendum bill give all British Citizens in the EU a vote in the Referendum. Those resident outside the EU will not be included as this is unlikely to be accepted.
The British Community in France is one of the largest groups adding its voice to the campaign: http://votes-for-expat-brits.com/