The Italian government is proposing to hold a Referendum to ask whether the law should be changed to reduce the period of 10 years continous and lawful residence, which is necessary for a non-EU national to be able to apply to become an Italian citizen. The current period of 10 years continuous and lawful residence was fixed in 1992 (Art. 9 (1) (f) Legge 5...
Read MoreDelays at the Italian Consulate
Aleksandra Broom was interviewed by the Local Italy on applications for visas and for Italian citizenship. The article considers how the system is frustratingly in deadlock with very long waiting times for an appointment. The situation is dire at the moment, in particular at the Italian Consulate in London which is overwhelmed from applications from...
Read MoreLocal courts take over Italian citizenship applications
Applications for Italian citizenship, made by non-Italian residents, on the grounds of descent (ius sanguinis) pre-1948 from a female relative, will no longer be decided by the Civil Court of Rome. As of 22nd June 2022, applications need to be lodged in the civil court of the Comune where the last Italian ancestor was born, as of 22nd June 2022. (See Law...
Read MoreSuspension of citizenship and immigration applications
The suspension of ongoing administrative procedures, and the extension of deadlines or expiry dates, was formalised by decree dated 17th March 2020, n.70 (more commonly referred to as ‘Decreto Legge Cura Italia’) in response to the COVID-19 epidemic. LINK TO DECRETO: By administrative...
Read MoreNo-deal or new-deal – the effect on applications for Italian citizenship
Further to our May article ‘No Deal’ Italian Law Effect on Italian Citizenship Applications, we remind our British citizen clients that if they intend to apply for Italian citizenship it is advisable that they lodge their application before 31st October. With new UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying in his first speech as Prime Minister that the UK...
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