The promise made by the UK government to British citizens resident in the EU, that their residence rights would be protected post-Brexit is still a work in progress. A recent review by the British Embassy revealed that only one-third of British citizens resident in Italy has applied for the electronic “carta di soggiorno” from the Questura. This...
Read MoreResidenza elettiva
Il permesso di soggiorno per residenza elettiva consente l’ingresso in Italia, ai fini del soggiorno, allo straniero che intenda stabilirsi nel nostro Paese e che dimostri di possedere risorse sufficienti a mantenersi autonomamente senza esercitare alcuna attività lavorativa Requisiti per la domanda di permesso per residenza...
Read MoreCarta di soggiorno for British citizens in Italy
Since January 2021 a residence permit in a plastic card format (“carta di soggiorno“) has been available to British nationals and their family members who were resident in Italy pre-Brexit, ie on or before 31st December 2020. By “resident in Italy” we mean that a person’s name and address is registered with the Anagrafe office...
Read MoreTravelling to Italy from overseas
The Italian government has issued new guidelines relating to travelling to Italy from overseas, lifting the restrictions in place due to COVID-19. These are effective from 3rd June 2020. The new rules were published in Article 6 of the Presidential decree no. of 17th May 2020 (see link below to full text of the new law). DCPM 17th May 2020 Article 6...
Read MoreResidence in Italy during transition period
This post sets out the rules for British citizens already resident in Italy, and also aims to give some guidance for those hoping to apply for residence in Italy during the post-Brexit transition period. The UK ended its membership of the EU on 31st January 2020, under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement concluded on 19th October 2019. We are...
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