The Ministero dell’Interno has issued guidance to the Comune in relation to British citizens, resident in Italy since before 31.12.2020, the end of the Brexit transition period. This Circolare confirms that British citizens are still entitled to obtain a certificate of permanent residence from the Anagrafe (“attestazione di soggiorno...
Read MoreResidence in Italy during transition period
This post sets out the rules for British citizens already resident in Italy, and also aims to give some guidance for those hoping to apply for residence in Italy during the post-Brexit transition period. The UK ended its membership of the EU on 31st January 2020, under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement concluded on 19th October 2019. We are...
Read MoreO&P reflections from 2019
We would like to take a moment to reflect on our achievements and developments over the last 12 months before moving onto our new goals for the year to come. 2019 saw the start of the dynamic EU Commission project EULawinEN in which Charlotte Oliver took on the role of trainer of Notaries and Judges in Italy, Bulgaria and Hungary, developing knowledge and...
Read MoreBREXIT: What now for British citizens in Italy?
British citizens in Italy and the rest of Europe are concerned about their legal status and rights now the UK has voted to give up its EU membership. Many questions have been raised by British citizens in Italy, whether they are retired, working, or who own property or business interests here, for example: Will I lose my resident status and be asked to...
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